Welcome to Sūdō Journal, a new home for art, writing and scholarship that confronts the conventions of Australian and international culture. We are looking for images, essays, poems and prose works that explore uncomfortable truths about literature, society and art. To challenge the increasingly partisan cultural climate in both Australia and abroad, we want to hear the discordant melodies of disparate voices, politically, geographically and culturally.

Taking its cue from Oscar Wilde’s suggestion that “an idea that is not dangerous is unworthy of being called an idea at all,” Sūdō Journal is a space for passionate disagreement based on intelligent and informed argument. We reject the dogmatism and moralising that has entrenched the battlelines of culture. Our proposition is a more open brand of debate, rather than a retreat to echo chambers and partisan pulpits. Lend us your voice! We can’t guarantee we’ll agree, but you have our attention!

Image: “Explosion” (CC BY 2.0) by Somecrazy