For anyone with an interest in economics, environmentalism (or the economics of environmentalism), the North Queensland Conservation Council (NQCC) is working in conjunction with the Australian Earth Laws Alliance (AELA) and the New Economy Network Australia (NENA) to deliver a “New Economy” symposium, running on the 14th and 15th of July on Magnetic Island in Townsville, Queensland.

While the program for the symposium has not yet been announced, guest speakers are expected to include “renegade economist” and author of Doughnut Economics, Kate Rayworth and chief economist of the Australia Institute and author of Econobabble and Curing Affluenza, Richard Denniss. Further guests are expected to include Charles Massy, author of Call of the Reed Warbler, the Director and Founder of the Centre for Social Change, Amanda Cahill and journalist Jason Wilson. The symposium will address issues including localism, food and food waste, transport, energy, alternatives to capitalism and participatory democracy. Further details and a conference flyer are available on the NENA website.