We are overjoyed to introduce a new volume of Sūdō Journal for public digestion. As things seem to become ever more dire, we hope that the stories, essays and oddities in this volume provide some comfort. Know that although everything might be sliding into oblivion, you are not alone. When the dogs of war are baying at all sides, know that Sūdō Journal resists the call to conflict. We demand to hear more voices, not fewer. We demand the melodies of amicable dissent rather than the rhythms of unthinking dogmatism. We demand the uncomfortable. We demand the interesting.

Our second volume can be found either here, or by selecting “Latest Issue” on the Sūdō Journal website. Over the coming weeks we will be showcasing some of the various works contained in this volume, publishing them on this blog in device-friendly format. With the theme of “Hot Under the Collar,” this volume of stories, essays and poems makes for stimulating summer reading, whether it be while avoiding commitments, lying in bed, or dreaming of new conquests. We hope you enjoy this collection as much as we have enjoyed putting it together.

Finally, as editor, I would like to once again acknowledge the unpaid, voluntary contributions of all those associated with this volume, most of whom did so while balancing all the challenges associated with PhD candidature. I would particularly like to thank Angela Hughes, Lianda Burrows, Nicole Crowe, Jonathan Kuttainen and Tenille McDermott for their editorial and creative contributions. Finally, I would also like to express my appreciation to all the contributors whose work appears in this volume. Thank you for your support and for entrusting us with the responsibility of unleashing your creations on the world.

Image: “086/365 Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me 032709” (CC BY 2.0) by vmiramontes