Oh! Woe! The more things change, the more they ossify into pale impressions of what once was. Entropy is the rule of the universe. All things are destined to face the cold, dark abyss of the heat-death of the universe.

But this is not true of our northern hearts, which blaze with the eternal fires of our equatorial passion! Nor is it true of our northern gaze, which penetrates every sub-atomic particle it touches. We eat the future for breakfast.

The North is the centre of it all. It is the bald peak and the rich lowlands; it is the molten core and the frozen periphery; it is the cool water of creation and the hot hand of destruction. We look forward to once again sharing with you the North’s beautiful and terrifying embrace.

Sūdō Journal continues to drill deep into the sedimentary rock of culture, piercing through its layers in search of the interesting. With this first volume of the journal’s second glorious era, we are grateful for the honour of introducing to you the new editorial team of Tenille McDermott and Bethany Keats. They bring to you a selection of poetry, essays and fiction from the margins of civilised society, hot, wet spit in the eye of the mundane metropole.

The works in this volume—romantic interludes with anthropomorphic gourds, confrontations with misogyny in the mid-twenty-first century, and mind-altering pop songs—all demand you to reconsider your place in the trans-national maelstrom. Surrender to us.

Image: “Australian Shipwreck Coast (CC BY-SA 2.0) by The Ritz