Following a hiatus in 2023, we are pleased to announce that Sūdō Journal will be publishing it’s fifth volume, “Eras,” in 2024.

In the face of ever-increasing parochialism and partisanship, Sūdō Journal will continue to seek disparate voices, intelligent argument, and to value, above all, the interesting.

Welcome to our new co-editors!

Bethany Keats is a a Townsville-based writer who likes rummaging in the family closet in search of skeletons. Her work often explores gothic themes and questions of place. She is currently working on a novel about her grandmother as part of a PhD at James Cook University and is a director of the Foundation for Australian Literary Studies. She has degrees in languages, public relations, and sustainability.

Tenille McDermott is a PhD student in Creative Writing at James Cook University researching the relationship between machine-generated text and narrative time. As an experienced bookseller she has interviewed writers including Anna Funder, Trent Dalton, Pip Williams, and Clementine Ford. Tenille has been on the editorial team of Sūdō Journal since its inception, serving as poetry editor for volumes 1-4. In addition to her writing, Tenille occasionally moonlights in community theatre and attempts to take up knitting.

Image: “Explosion” (CC BY-SA 2.0) by Quinn Dombrowski